Computer Viruses and Different Types of Computer viruses
A computer is basically a device that is able to be programmed to execute certain sets of mathematical or logical operations automatically, by storing data that tell the computer how to do so. Modern computers are able to do very broad ranges of activities, thanks to the many programs that they are able to run. These are basically computer programs that have instructions on how to deal with specific situations. Computers are able to process information and give answers to questions, as well as complete applications, web pages, and games.
There are many different types of computers and each has its own set of hardware and software. There are many different types of computer connections that are available to consumers today. The different types of computer connections include cable connections, DSL connections, coaxial cable connections, ASDL and FCoE connections, braided coaxial cable connections, USB cable connections, and many others. These different types of computer connections are also used for different purposes. Let’s take a look at some of these different types of computer connections and how they work.
One of the most common types of computer viruses is the computer virus. There are literally hundreds of thousands of different types of computer viruses that exist today. While some viruses are necessary to operate some computers, many viruses actually do more harm than good. Most of the time, computer viruses are designed to steal personal information from computers.
Email Viruses: Email viruses are capable of causing much more harm than a simple computer virus would ever do. With the email attachment, the virus can not only steal your personal information, but it can also do some serious damage to your computer. Viruses can corrupt files, delete important files, and can even crash computers. When you receive an email attachment, it is best to delete the email attachment immediately. If you do not, the virus could very well damage your hard drive permanently.
Trojans: Trojans are another common type of computer viruses. They are much like viruses, in that they are designed to corrupt or damage files. However, unlike viruses, Trojans do more than simply steal information from your computer. Many times, they will also try to gain access to your home or business network.
Other common types of computer viruses are worms. A worm is like a virus in that it has the ability to spread through networks without any sort of external input. Worms are sometimes hidden with email attachments and then can be transmitted from one computer to another over the Internet. Although, unlike computer viruses, worms are much less common. The main problem with worms is that they can spread quickly and easily, often with the aid of other worms that may be present in the file.